THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA would like to hear about movies that make great ESL/EFL lessons, movies that are entertaining and language-rich, movies that takes us to another time, another place, another lifestyle.


Postby Sara_alhejazi » Mon Dec 07, 2015 3:10 am

People who work in such places must be conversant in fashion. It is really hard to work their because you have to care every day about what to wear or how to look like. Also, In such places, we can find a lot of luxury fashion and other things that every woman wish to have it.

I really like this movie, I watched this movie 4 times and I still enjoy every time I see it. Each person must preserve what he/she loves, whether his/her job or his/her character or anything else, because it's your own life.
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Postby AlaaAlansari » Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:17 am

Andy is graduated from prestige college and she wants to be a journalist. Fortunately, she lands the editorial staff at Runway that is a million girls long for. She can get a position as a junior personal assistant to the editor in chief Miranda Priestly, who is well-known in the fashion world. However, Miranda takes a haughty attitude to her junior partner and many girls resigned their post before. Andy was indifferent to fashion, but she works hard and become proud of her job.

Miranda is a kind of boss who is so difficult to please. It would have been very easy to create Miranda as a monster, but, wisely and skillfully, she allowed Andy to have a dignity and intelligence that made her seem to be demanding but not sadistic.

Many women works in the business world today. "The Devil Wears Prada" gives hope to the working woman. This movie is very funny movie that is not as far from the real life as, I believe. I love this movie and I want to watch it over and over again!
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Postby Non5553 » Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:30 am

How does Andy change throughout the course of this story?

In the first, she was a very simple person and she does not care about fashion a lot. Also, she takes care about her friends and her boyfriend. After she works at Fashion industry, she becomes very modern and she followed everything in the fashion. Also, she did not realize that she was going away from her boyfriend, she forgot his birthday and she spends her time in her job to make her boss satisfied. Actually, she lost her real personality and she slowly becoming another person, but at the end she wakes up to find herself and she quit her job.

I watched this movie many times, and even though I really like it. It's taking about many girls such as Andy in this days. Also, as a girl I was very interesting by fashion and I was very worried about fashion's world. Finally, I realized that working in fashion [is] not easy.
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Postby Tony » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:00 am

At firs, Andy who was not stylish,and does not care about her clothing went to company to be interviewed. Although she wanted to work at social public, the company is public about fashion and her work is Miranda's assistant. Miranda throw her cort and bag, and Andy against her. Andy , however, recognize that she wants to work thaere and with Miranda through working hard. Therefore she decided to change herself, so she change her clothing. I think she became very elegant and came to be more relax. Then Andy is trusted by Miranda. Andy had many trouble in work and friendship, but I think these trouble make Andy strong. Finally, she became very strong, so she decided her way without Miranda's mind.
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Postby afj8909 » Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:01 pm

1. I think fashion industry is not simple. It requires delicacy. I think people who works this industry need to know the trend of fashion.

2. Maybe Andy is upset when Emily treats her badly. But sooner, Andy gets better and better. She can work well.

3. Andy has a good sense of fashion. She has a good chance to work as a journalist.

4. I think this film shows the lifestyle of New York. It also shows the lifestyle of the upper class in the America. This film shows how Andy overcomes her obstacles.
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Postby wonsom » Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:36 pm

This movies shows the both faces of fashion industry. It looks fabulous and splendid, It has competition and need a complicate sense of fashion.
As the movie shows the reality of fashion industry by character's competition and betrayal.

Andy had changed after entering the fashion industry. First of all, her perspective about the fashion and body shape had been changing.
Also, she also got a knowledge and became skillful about her job. The long-take scene that Andy change the cloth on the street shows it indirectly.
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Postby hanadi » Tue Dec 08, 2015 10:42 pm

This is my first time to think about the fashion rules everyone should be so fashion. Andy tried hard to be perfect as Emily and she became better than her. Andy change her look and lifestyle totally but she finally realized that is not her character and he decided to go back to her real life.

The movies give us clear idea about the fashion and how they should look like.
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Postby Sulttn » Tue Dec 08, 2015 11:46 pm

This job need people who are profession on fashion on different ways for example it's need the worker to wear the new design of clothes, for sure to be about fashion . Also, this job need smart people and people who can learn so fast and to understand every small detail about fashion and about the magazine on this company and they mention that they have to be couture of fashion. It so difficult to do that a very day or to be comfortable in this job for example wearing a new design of fashion every single day, and it's not that easy to be fashion industry. On the beginning of this movie they shows us that you do not have to be completely knew fashion to work on this company, Emily got this job without any style or sense fashion.

Emily have learned a lot of things of fashion while she were watching the people who the work and who they can choice their clothes via fashion. She went and she asked Nigel to help her to be a good on fashion and to let Miranda likes her and he did it and Miranda liked her.

Miranda, she is very serious on her job she doesn't shows her kindness, her weakness, in the beginning her attitudes were so mean to Emily she started grilling her, she was pushing her at work, she doesn't forget any thing, she using her assistant for every thing in the company and out side of the job.

This movie is very funny movie and it so interesting to be honest when i heard the name of this movie i wasn't happy cause it's girls move, but i was really interesting to learn this people and who they work who they do their work very well i really enjoyed this movie. that is not as far from the real life as we know.

Thank you Mr. Mike.
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Postby Foton » Thu Dec 10, 2015 12:23 pm

First of all, I saw the movie 3 times and every time I enjoyed it like the first time. I love taking about fashion and I really want to learn it and became a professional on that. The movie help me to learn new things.

Andy was not interesting in fashion at all and she didn't understand how those people work hard to make it. After a while, she realized what fashion world is?, but before that Miranda was treating Andy in very bad way. Andy was not care about how Miranda treats her then she thinks to change her way if dressing and started to learn more about fashion and more about the work too. In this way, Miranda started to like her and her work because she started to educate herself.

I really enjoyed watching this movie...
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Postby SungMin » Sat Dec 12, 2015 5:23 pm

1) Describe the fashion industry as you see it in the movie?
The fashion industry is one of the most important industries because it provides people with clothing glamorous looks. The fashion industry is always busy, there is a lot movement in the business.

2) How does Andy react when Emily treats her badly?
Andy first doesn't know why Emily treats her badly but later realizes that the job that she has is looked for a lot, many people would kill to be in the same job as Andy. Also, Andy starts to change her clothing and style so that Emily stops treating her badly.

3) How does Andy change throughout the course of this story?
At the beginning of the movie, Andy shows to be a different person from the ones working at the fashion industry. She is really smart and wants to get the position of secretary for the industry where Miranda is on. Andy doesn't mind and defies the Miranda's interview and leaves when she wanted, this showed that she had a bit of power. This power and uniqueness started to disappear as Andy started to get more into the industry of fashion. She would also start to make Miranda a higher priority than his boyfriend. At the end she realizes that all of the actions she is doing are affecting her lifestyle and wants to change it back to when she was free, away from the fashion industry.

4) Write a summary/opinion of THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA.
The movie The Devil Wears Prada focuses in the life of Andy, a young lady that graduated recently from Northwestern University and was looking for a job. She ends ups working for Miranda at the fashion industry because of her character; Miranda would see a bit of herself in Andy. As Andy starts to work at the fashion industry, she starts wearing more to the fashion clothing, according to the movie and characters. Andy gets to replace Emily, the main assistant, and goes to Paris with Miranda, to Runway Paris. There Andy realizes how crazy the rivalry was in all of the industry and who wanted to be successful or in command. At the end, Andy quits the job and looks for another one. Miranda recommends Andy to the new publisher she was going to work for.
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