ERIN BROCKOVICH would like to hear about movies that make great ESL/EFL lessons, movies that are entertaining and language-rich, movies that takes us to another time, another place, another lifestyle.

Re: Erin Brockovich

Postby hungpangray » Sun Mar 20, 2011 4:00 pm

I am going to describe Erin, the main hero in this movie. Her character has lots of disadvantages, but also some advantages. Even though Erin doesn
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Re: Erin Brockovich

Postby danielh » Sun Mar 20, 2011 7:12 pm

Julia Roberts, in the movie Erin Brockovich, is a divorced women with three kids, who doesn't have much money. In my opinion, these things make her a strong women. A scene in the movie that shows her as a strong women is when she is at the lawyer's office. He (Ed Masry) doesn't want to give her a job, and she doesn't stop trying until he hires her to start working for him.

But Erin has also a weak character side. After getting into a relationship with George (her neighbor), he tells her one night that he want's to brake up with her. It is very tough for Erin to hear these words, and she is tries to convince him not to break up.

Daniel Hakakian
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Re: Erin Brockovich

Postby EffyChoi » Sun Mar 20, 2011 7:30 pm

Erin Brockovich

In my opinion, Erin Brockovich
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Postby shelln » Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:58 pm

Erin Brockovich shows us how an uneducated woman beats a big company in earnest and with honour. According to the story, Erin is a capable woman and successful mother. She helps her 3 kids grow up healthy by herself. She is an honest and goodhearted person because she works not only for the money, but also for the people who really need help.

She takes this work very seriously, and within 18 months, she shows the lawyers at Masry & Vititoe that she is better than they are at this work. I think she always uses cleverness and humor when she talks to people. And when she encounters something unfair or that she really hates, she always "fxxks back".

But sometimes she ignores other people's feeling when she is doing someting. This is her defect.
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Re: Erin Brockovich

Postby YUCHEN FAN » Sun Mar 20, 2011 10:40 pm

Hi Mike. This is YUCHEN FAN.

Erin Brockovich! First, I think she is very strong as a woman! She has 3 children. She needs to pay a lot of bills. She needs to give her children food. But she doesn't have job. She doesn't have money! She needs a job! Second, she is really hard-working! She gets a job, but it is not good! She has a lot of problems. Everyone can't give her real help! The job is also diffcult to finish!

Third, she is very kind as a mother or "wife"?She needs to take care of her 3 children even though she has a man who wants to help her, but he doesn't understand her! He doesn't want her to work. He doesn't understand the value of her work for! He eventually leaves her! But she not only takes care her children, but also finishes her job!

Finally, she becomes successful! The man comes back and understands her! And she receives a lot of money! We need to learn her spirit. We have to persevere and face up to innumerable setbacks! We need to become strong like Erin Brockovich!
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Re: Erin Brockovich

Postby liuyujun » Sun Mar 20, 2011 10:48 pm

Hi Mike. This is Yujun Liu. You can call me Emily. :P

:) Erin Brockovich is very truthful. She seldom pretends. (I can only remember one time when she pretends that she is full and lets her children have a meal.) For example, when she knows that Ed Masry has lied to her, she always tells him what she has been thinking and how bad she feels. She doesn
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Re: Erin Brockovich

Postby nicolas_gauvin » Sun Mar 20, 2011 10:58 pm

Erin Brockovich's character is the reflection of a strong women who wants to influence events. The positive aspect of this behavior is that it allows a change because she dares to act. Nevertheless she forgets to be respectful toward others. She wants to help, but she doesn't do for all when she insults her son's entourage.

So I see 2 things which stand out in this movies, the importance of not being passive and the importance of making an effort to show respect for others.

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Re: Erin Brockovich

Postby zhong_xiaotao » Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:31 pm

Hi Mike. This is Yuto.

Erin Brockovich is a twice-divorced mother of three children with no employable skills. However, Erin is a feisty woman. She badgers, cajoles, and pleads with Masry to give her a job. While no one likes her trashy clothes and earthy manners, she doesn't really care. She just wants to work hard and earn money for her children. For this reason, we know that she is a good mother, despite the fact that she wears sexy clothes and behaves badly.

In addition, she is a workaholic and capable woman. She begins to investigate a suspicious real estate case involving the Pacific Gas & Electric Company. From this, we know that Erin is a just woman. She continues to investigate this case, although her boyfriend is going to leave her because she devotes all her time to her work and doesn't look after her children.

What's more, Erin is an emotional and selfish woman. She easily loses her temper and often uses foul language. This is why nobody respects her at the beginning of the story. However, her hard work soon earns the respect of others.
Last edited by zhong_xiaotao on Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Erin Brockovich

Postby klaudiaguca » Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:33 pm

The charismatic Erin Brokovich, who is played by Julia Roberts in the same-named movie is a two times divorced mother with three children. Although she experiences rejection during her job interviews, she does not give up and asks the lawyer Ed Masry, an old acquaintance, to offer her a job at his office.

Even though she does not have any experience or education in this industry, she manges the situation, so he gives her the position. Her co-workers in the meantime, give her a hard time because of her appearance and the way she dresses, but she does not give a damn and sticks to her opinion and attitude. Being outspoken and confident about her body and the way she looks helps her to get what she needs.

Erin is serious about her children though and knows that she needs to take care of them, so step by step she gets more involved in her work and takes action to find out about the PG&E case. This shows that she is not only a pretty face but a smart woman, too.

While most people think her outspoken and pushy demenor is a negtive characteristic of her personality, in fact, it is very beneficial and leads her to her goal at the end.

Klaudia Guca
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Re: Erin Brockovich

Postby nurkassym » Mon Mar 21, 2011 1:04 am

In my opinion Erin Brockovich is a woman with a big heart who makes sacrifices with her own family in order to help other people. Even if she is not a well educated person, she is able to find a way into people's hearts, because Erin Brockovich is honest with people and with herself. She doesn't pretend about who she is.

When she is rude with someone other people like it because she can say the ugly truth about those people without fear. I think she is a very brave woman with her own free will even when few other people are strong enough to work on this case. During the movie I saw how she starts to be changed in a good way. Her work experience helps her to learn, and she uses this strong character in a right way and at the right time and situation. Her easy virtue adorns her personality. ;)
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