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PostPosted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 8:42 am
by ku hsiu-yu
Childhood Princess and a are witcher in a tower with no knowledge of the outside world.So the princes is very curious

She also has a great yeahing for the outside world.Fehling music wear princess already longing for the freedom of the heart as

well as fantasy world more deeply the music wear the princess want bold determination to go out and adventure.although the

outside may not be completely safe. but she has the spirit of adventure to go out for another try.Secarse she is steadfast in her

heart.Just as I am alone in the United States,and I do not understand English,but still willing to try to see as the Princess.I walk

step-by -step to explore my new world,roping slowly adapting ,willing to try to take the first step,doing all things,slowly,like the

famous ad "just do it"!

The Friend from Arabian Nights

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 1:43 am
by ku hsiu-yu
Anood comes foom KSA and she is a really kind and nice friend She reall likes American dramas,and she is a big fan of Angelina Jolie.she also likes cartoons Her favorite

cartoon's role is Marroko explain.Sometimes she likes to listen to some classical music,and she is a big fan for Deana.While she has fallen in love with football,her idol is

Messi,who is a superstur in her country.She has the habit of reading.such as magazines and novels.and Her favorite auther is Ayed AL Qarni who is a really famous author

in her country