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Postby I-Rong » Wed Apr 22, 2015 9:16 pm

Paul and Victoria met on a train which they took to go back to their countries.

At first, Paul just want to help Victoria to face her father. Along with his stayed more longer, he noticed that he fell in love with Victoria. They picked grapes and lived together. Even though, Victoria's father opposed Paul to be her husband, Victoria still fell in love with him.

Alberto, Victoria's father, was really hate Paul because he had never known Paul before, for him, Paul just a stranger. He didn't know about Paul's background.

I really really love this movie!! After the grapes manor burned, Alberto saw how Paul loved Victoria and his family, he cried and told Victoria that he just afraid of will lose her, and he doesn't know how to show his love. And asked Victoria to teach him how to love. It made me touched and had tears in my eyes.

Thank you for sharing this romance movie.
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Postby Claire9 » Sun Apr 26, 2015 9:37 pm

A man returning from the war full of weary memories, but let him have enough will to stick to the end of faith, care must be his lover, and then we can see that the bundles are not apart from his letter his deep thoughts and emotional sustenance for his wife. Grew up in an orphanage, and no family could love, the man he loved was his everything, presumably his desire for the family even more than the average person, his warm desire for some more intense than the average family. Two kind of hero and heroine, corollary of a walk in the clouds. Cloud, the word is very easy to imagination, where diffuse clouds, accompanied by beautiful mountains, beautiful vineyards, what a nice wonderful, but if they can stroll in them, away from the hustle and bustle, must be able to cleanse the soul, but these always with a kind of unreal beauty, untrue.
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Postby Yoshika » Mon Apr 27, 2015 8:43 pm

After world war 2, Paul comes back to his home and continues his previous job, selling chocolates. On the way to sell chocolates, he meets Victoria in the train. She is pregnant, but she does not have a husband. So, she asks Paul to pretend her husband.

I like the last scene of this movie. Victoria's father is very drtict, and he does not show love to his father. But at the end of this movie, he shows loves to Victoria, and also family. I also like the scene that Paul finds the part of tree which is not affected the whole after the fire. Everyone in the movie looks so happy, so I also became happy.

Thank you.
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Postby Kiyomi » Mon Apr 27, 2015 11:33 pm

I thought that the movie was made for many fans of Keanu.

Anyway, I remain a scene which after Victoria’s family who work at a rose garden knew to frost, they wore wings(?) which were made by hands on their nightclothes and made a line to try to send a heat of a fire and to protect the garden. The scene is beautiful and impressive.

In addition, I like Victoria’s grandfather and her father because their thinking and acting were difference. For example, when her father tried to turn Paul out, her grandfather welcomed him only because he wanted to eat a chocolate. It made me laugh. I believe that the grandfather is a key person. Probably, he noticed that Paul and Victoria loved each other. His acting was nice.

Lastly, I want to say that Paul did not try to decide himself and to act. He just accept other opinions. Therefore, I felt that the last of the movie was not really a happy end. To be honest, at least I wanted him to decide a divorce.

Thank you!
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Postby MickaRu » Tue Apr 28, 2015 8:56 am

Paul and Victoria met in the train. She was trying to put her luggage up, and Paul came to help her. Both felt down, and she vomit on him. They met again in the bus. She apologized for the incident in the train. Two mans was disturbing her, so he tried to defend her and fought with them. The bus driver sent them out. Therefore, he was oblige to walk to go where he wanted. In his way he met her again for the third time.

I think that they felt in love because Paul wanted to have a family and live a life like Victoria has with his family. They understood and appreciated each other. More time they spent together, more they liked each other. Alberto was so hard with Paul because he wanted the best for his daughter; his family was all for him even if he didn't show it. He wanted his only daughter marry a man with Mexican blood and he didn't like the fact that they had been married without telling him. He needed to know more about him first.

Even though it s not my preferred kind of movie, this film was very good. Like everybody I like happy ending.
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Postby jhhan » Tue Apr 28, 2015 2:03 pm

It was a very impressive movie to feel the love of family. Victoria is from a very large and traditional family. She got pregnant without husband, so she worried that her strict father Alberto would expel her from family. Paul who was kind man helped her by pretending to be her husband.

Alberto is very traditional and patriarchal man. He disliked Paul because Paul didn't have large family and good backgrounds. Alberto put importance on history of the family. So, Paul struggled to be admitted by Alberto. Alberto also had trouble with his daughter Victoria. He really loved her but wasn't good at express his love. He was so strict to her and it made Victoria stressful. Finally, Alberto admitted Paul to his son-in-law, and learned how to love from Victoria. It was touching story.

Moreover, watching traditional winery of Alberto was interesting. Making wine not using machines looks impressive and beautiful. I want to visit one of winery in America before I go back to my country. It will be a great experience.
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Postby Manayo96 » Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:01 am

I really enjoyed this movie. This movie became one of my favorite movie. First of all, I like this movie’s atmosphere. This movie is love story between a young soldier and a beautiful woman. Paul who is a young soldier have to be a temporary husband, because Victria who is a beautiful woman was abandoned by her boyfriend and she have to introduce her boyfriend.

During his stay in Victria’s family, they fall in love but they face the angry rejection from her father. Paul helps the grape harvest of Victria’s family, and He tries to make good relationship.

In the end of this movie, her father realize that Paul is not real husband and he gets angry again. Moreover, he sets fire to their grape harvest by accident. I was so scared, but finally they find that the grape lives and Paul and Victria can be together.

I really want to recommend this movie to my friends.
Thank you.
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Postby nathayde » Wed Apr 29, 2015 1:34 pm

A Walk in the Clouds is very touching movie. I was very impressed by the setting, characters, and story. It is a deep story that involves two main protagonists, Paul and Victoria; an antagonist, Victoria’s father; and a family of Victoria.

The movie begins with Paul’s story. He is a soldier/seller of chocolates who has a plan to build a family with many children. During the war he sends many letters for his wife, telling her his desire to have a big family, but his wife apparently does not has the same desire of Paul. So, when he arrives at home, after war, he notices that his wife did not read his letter. Even though he is very disappoint with is wife, he agrees with her, and returns to sell chocolates.

Therefore, when he is at train, he meets Victoria, a beautiful lady, who is in his way to visit her family. Since the first moment that they hit each other in the train, we can see that they like each other, but Paul is married.

So, going in the same train, Paul and Victoria start a conversation. They seem to be enthusiastic. However, an incident occurs, two guys enters in the train and start to bother Victoria. At that moment, Paul defends her and starts a fight with these guys, so they are expulse from the train.

Walking alone for some while, further Paul ending up to meet Victoria again, who is desperate because her father will kill her because she is pregnant and her husband left her. Paul, touched by her story and stimulated by his desire to have a family, decides to help her. Even though, she advises that her father is very rude, he decides to continue his plan to pretend that he is her husband jus for one night.

In the clouds, Victoria’s family property, everything happens. Her father many times is very rude with Paul and Victoria. He notices that there is something strange with Paul and Victoria. On the other hand, Victoria’s grandfather is very kind with Paul.

As the story develops, we can see that Victoria and Paul fall in love with each other, but Paul has an obstacle, he is still married. So, trying to avoid his desire, Paul tries many times to leave Victoria and continues his path.

At the end of the movie, Paul finally comes back to his home to meet his wife. However, when he arrives he finds his wife with other man. She explains to him that their lives are completely different and ask him to divorce. He could not be happier. Now, he can live his love with Victoria.

So, he comes back to the clouds. Victoria’s father does not accept him because he lied to all his family pretending be Victoria’s husband. They start a fight and by accident Victoria’s father throws a stick of fire that destroys all the clouds. Everybody is desperate because the clouds is finished, but Paul finds the first tree of the clouds which its root is not damage by the fire, so they can rebuild the clouds.

So, in my opinion, Victoria and Paul stay together because they have the same desire to build a family. Realizing that if he does not help her, Victoria will be a single mother and her child will grow without a father, he decides to help her. In addition, during the movie, we find out that Paul is an orphan, so probably this affects his decision to help Victoria.

I really enjoyed this movie, especially because I love “love story” with happy end.

Thank you!! :P :P

Teacher's note: Thank you for a wonderful summary of "A Walk in the Clouds."

--mike :arrow:http://www.moviesgrowenglish.com :twisted:
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