CRASH (Mike) would like to hear about movies that make great ESL/EFL lessons, movies that are entertaining and language-rich, movies that takes us to another time, another place, another lifestyle.

Re: CRASH (Mike)

Postby Risaaa » Sun Oct 11, 2015 8:58 pm

Actually, I couldn't understand this contents well because of lacking my English skill, so I will watch this movie again three months later.

At first, each character hated others who has different races from theirs. so Peter and Anthony stole a car, and Ryan touched Christine. They have a bias. I felt so sad when I watched the scene because I think racial discrimination. Maybe They think I am right. i was moved when John helped Christine in accident of the car. At first, she didn't believe him. However, he said " I will help you.I will help you " Finally, she trust him. We have to listen others opinion,and say anything what we want to say.
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Re: CRASH (Mike)

Postby sei » Sun Oct 11, 2015 9:59 pm

As an Asian, who is living in America now, the thing that the director of this movie want to tell to people is really impressed. The theme of this movie is racism. At first, they seemed like they distinguished and judged each other through appearance. Some have prejudice of African-Americans, other have bias of white people. However, they realized their misunderstanding. Especially I was impressed by o
The old police officer who saved an African-American woman even though he was also in danger. Thisovie tell us that if we try to know each other, there is no misunderstanding and no conflict. I hope that all people would think like in that way.
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Re: CRASH (Mike)

Postby SHIHO » Mon Oct 12, 2015 8:55 am

Ethnic origin affects people's image to other races. Although every person has equal rights to live peacefully and happily, ethnic origin allows people to discriminate other races.

All "crash" situation in this movie comes from the difference of the skin's color, the language or the countries etc. Every character in this movie seems to be really proud of their race for me. They never wanted to accept and admire other races before they got redemption. My favorite redemption of this movie is when John Ryan, who were a police officer helped Christine who were harrased sexually by Ryan in the past. Ryan helped Christine from crashed car even though he had also risk to die.

In Japan, my country, there is no concept of racism. I mean almost people in Japan are Japanese and there is no diversity of human beings so Japanese people have no way of thinking that descriminate other people because of the skin's color and the language etc. So this movie was really shocking for me. I think this movie shows us that we have to know each other by getting rid of our prejudice and accept each other.
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Re: CRASH (Mike)

Postby Sulttn » Thu Oct 15, 2015 2:43 am

The racism is the huge problem that in the world. And this movie talking about racial tensions in the United States and this racial still exist in the U.S ,and they thought that they hated each other by the differents colors and different language and different accents and cause of that you found from the racism people are they hate and bad act with each other on that basis as I said by colors and different accents .

Judgment on the external manifestations of the people this is the cause of the crash and the problems such as the name of this film "crash" and this habit let people don't directed by mercy and compassion of humanity.

On this movie they taught us new ideas and useful things for future for the next generations, such as the lack of judgment on the scene, shape, or the color, and also it taught us that all people are equal no body better than other we can do any thing as a human .

1-They helped each other when they were in a bad situation, When a man tried to shoot the locksmith, the lockman's daughter came and saved his life. This is because that man used a blank gun.

Finally , i like this story because ;this movie focuses on racism. Each person has partial image to different races.
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Re: CRASH (Mike)

Postby bugra712 » Fri Oct 16, 2015 6:53 am

In that movie everyone has idea of racism, those ideas effect their behavior in general life. People judge other from their ethnics, from where they come and their skin. Although every time they regret what did they do, but their mind already effected them.

In the movie, Although the characters work and live together, but when they have trouble, they solve the problem from their particular way. Because their ethnics effected their mind. But every time they regret for the god.

In this movie, I noticed , one police took the risk to rescue the woman when she had car accident without her ethnics, it impacted me, because everyone in the world is same, no one has right to judge people from their appearance.

To sum up, according to the movie, because the black policeman decision, the white police was angry and revenge with another family, and those stories happened continuously. Even in general life we should avoid to discriminate people from their appearance, no shouldn’t judge people in anytime.
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Re: CRASH (Mike)

Postby dr.musleh.dent » Sun Oct 18, 2015 6:45 pm

The ethnic drives people to fight other people without any reason.

They tried to fix the problems by doing well and good way to the other.

When a man tried to shoot the locksmith, the lockman's daughter came and saved his life. This is because that man used a blank gun.

The movie has lot of stories that describe the first time in the US about the racism and how they solve that problem.
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