FORREST GUMP would like to hear about movies that make great ESL/EFL lessons, movies that are entertaining and language-rich, movies that takes us to another time, another place, another lifestyle.


Postby tiffanyfu » Sun Jul 17, 2016 11:48 pm

Although Gump is not smart,his IQ is only 75,but he is a very good person.Gump has a lots of advantages such as:honest,brave,kind,generous,persistent and so on.I think the most important advantage in his life is :never give up.He is not smart,but he does 100% what ever he is asked to do.

Gump has no friends,there are only four close people in his life:mother, Jenny, Bubba, and Lieutenant Dan.I think mother is the most important person in Gump’s life.Mother has a huge impact on Gump.And she is a very perfect mother.She knows Gump is not samart ,but she did not give up , and tried to get him to accept the normal education, mother told him: "You are no difference than anybody else".

Gump’s mother is also open-minded. She said calmly when she knows she is dying: "death's a part of life, something we are destined to do. I didn't know it, I'm destined to be your mama, I did the best I could." so, Forrest Gump towards death is calm.

Forrest Gump has no ideals what to do,he just do what they told him to do.He is always laughed by others, his mother and Jenny has left him...... But love is still continued, he had his own child, a smart little Forrest Gump with his favourit Jenny.

---tingyi fu(tiffany)
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Postby ZiyuZhang » Mon Jul 18, 2016 12:37 am

This is my first time I have watched Forrest Gump. Unbelievable I almost missed this wonderful movie.

There are so many memorable and touching scenes in this movie—the first time little Gump ran freely, the moment Bubba died in Gump’s arms, the final conversation between Gump and his mom, etc. What impresses me most is Gump's first meet with his son. When Gump finally understands that little boy is his own child, his first question is about little Forrest’s intelligence.

Although Gump always holds an optimistic attitude towards life, his question makes me realize that he can actually feel the difference between him and other so-called normal people, and also discrimination from others. Gump worries that his son will experience the same thing he has been through and Gump doesn’t want his son live such a life. I think, this scene represents the very style of the whole movie—a mixture of laugh and tear. One minute Gump’s funny response (he thought Jenny married a guy whose name was also Forrest) makes you burst into laughter, and the next minute his deep worry only leaves a sense of bitterness.

As for the person Gump closest to, I think it should be Jenny. Although Jenny is absent in Gump’s life in most of the time, she is always there in Gump’s heart. It is Jenny that Gump wants to share every detail of his life with. Jenny is always Gump’s soulmate. Many people help to shape Gump’s life, such as his mom, Bubba and Lieutenant Dan. But to some degree, Jenny is never far away because she just lives in Gump’s heart. Therefore, when Jenny sighs "I wish I could have been there with you", Gump will reply "You were".

To the eyes of other people, Forrest Gump—a man whose IQ is only 75—is stupid. But Gump owes family, friendship, love, and a fulfilling self. Maybe we should ask ourselves: who is the real stupid one?

teacher's note: Thanks so much to this author and all the others for such amazing connection with "Forrest Gump." I think this author shares what I think is the most important theme of Gump, the idea that if he can do it, surely I too can rise above my own mundane existence, if only a little. "Effort is as effort does."

--mike :arrow: :shock:
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Postby ptm9133 » Mon Jul 18, 2016 10:49 am

1. My favorite adventure was that he kepts running for long time. I agree with him because I also feel like running when i am really depressed.

2. I think he is closest to Jenny. Even though Jenny didn't like him that much He always think[s] of Jenny. And accept[s] her all the time, even though she is a bad girl.

3. Actually i don't know why this movie is so famous. Actually a lot of people like this Because they are american.

4. I feel little bit sad and moved at the end of the movie. I can feel real love of stupid guy. Some scenes were funny and some of them were boring.

I will give this movie 3 stars. Total score is 5 stars

Teacher's note: I would like to point out a fact to this author. This fact took me about one minute to find on the internet. "Forrest Gump" earned $329,694,499 in the US market and $347,693,217 on the international market for a total of $677,387,716 worldwide (source: Box Office Mojo). This means that Forrest Gump is actually an international success. I personally feel that its message is universal although the context is American. I'm pretty sure that the very same story could be told in most any other cultural context as well. Thanks for posting.

--mike :arrow: :)
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Postby Nicole_Shan » Mon Jul 18, 2016 3:09 pm

Some one said if you have never watched Forrest Gump, you must be a layman for films. When the film finished, are you still think Forrest is a stupid or something like this? Before I watched this film, I heard people summary this film said, is about a stupid guy.

But in my opinion, Forrest has high intelligence on some way maybe normal people can’t see it. Every “normal” human have many choices in our whole life, but because these choices, we always waiting for next opportunity think which one is good for me, so we lost the time and lose in life. But Forrest, actually, he is not just a lucky man. Maybe just because his 75 for IQ test, he doesn’t have a lot opportunity to get consider. So, Forrest saved soldiers got a reward; play Ping-Pong to be a famous; for Bubba make the shrimp boat make him rich. Forrest does this thing just because in that moment he has no more consider why he need do this.

In addition, I want say something about Jenny. She is the representative of 1960s American girl that is rebel and hope the unrestrained life. She is really lucky, Forrest spend whole life to love her. Jenny should be die, because 1960s American just a short time they need pasted and move on. Also I think Forrest Gump that is director want behalf of the United States, famous, serious, and successful.
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Postby kimberly0610 » Mon Jul 18, 2016 8:35 pm

This is my first time watched Forrest Gump, I have to say that is really a masterpiece! The actor Tom Hanks totally merged in this character, completely amazed the audience.
My favorite part of the movie is when Forrest Gump saw his son, the emotion on his face was so real and touched me a lot, he asked Jenny: "Is he stupid just like his father or...", Jenny said:"No, he is very smart.",
the tears in his eyes spinning, I was almost cried too. In my opinion, the main idea of this movie is telling us "Never give up." No matter what kind of situation that Forrest faced in, he proved to everyone who told him impossible that he can do it.
He was a disabled child, but he ran as far and fast as he could, even made the people followed his step. He was not smart as other child, but he had invited to visit The White House twice and even got the medal from president.
When everyone told him "you lost your mind" when he was going started his shrimp career, but eventually he became a millionaire. After watching this movie, I've got lots of inspiration and a whole new point when I facing my life, It gave me lots of
positive energy and I would like to watch it again.
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Postby doris » Tue Jul 19, 2016 1:51 am

I love this movie so much. I like Gump’s positive attitude toward life. Even when Gump had problem, he was still optimistic. Although Gump was not smart, he made every effort and never gave up. It reminds me when I have some trouble, I need to smile and move on. Gump played table tennis and finished three years marathon. After Jenny left him, Gump jogged around U.S.A .and attracted a lot of followers. Gump had excellent talent for sport.

In my opinion, when Gump was a child, Jenny was closest to Gump. When Gump was bullied , Jenny always told Gump ”Run” .When Gump was in the army, Bubba was Gump’s best friend. Gump went back to find hurt Bubba during wars. I was touched by their true friendship. But I think Lieutenant Dan played the most important role during Gump’s life. Gump helped Lieutenant Dan to live with dignity. They also know each other’s weakness. Moreover, they were men of their words. Lieutenant Dan said to Gump ‘”I told you if you were ever a shrimp boat captain, that I’d be your first mate. Well, here I am.” Finally, they operated Bubba shrimping business successfully.

Everyone knows classic line in FORREST GUMP ,”life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are gonna get.” Although Gump IQ was 75, he finished a lot of affairs which we are hard to do.

To sum up, the film was impressive. The time for action is now. It’s never too late to do something. We never know what happened in the future. Just move on. Be kind and keep pure mind, happiness is everywhere.
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Postby 18965196 » Tue Jul 19, 2016 9:30 am

Hey everyone I'm Greudyn

It would be very difficult for me to determine what exactly is the scene that I like about the great movie "Forrest Gump"; but among much thought and think think my favorites are those where he bowled left his sergeant in the army, I just seem extraordinary by the force with which they speak because of their abilities efficiency........ inspiring! ...

The truth really liked , it is very emotional. It even shows the abandonment that suffered and suffer vietnam veterans (both psychological, as Sgt forest, and economic).
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Postby shmookh » Wed Jul 20, 2016 2:55 am

I love this movie this is the first time when I watched in the class. I think I will watch this movie many times.

I like his adventure when he was in the army. He take care about his friends and he helped them. I think he loves everyone his mother , Bubba and Lietutenan Dan but I think it's obvious that he in love with Jenny and he thinks about her all the time. I was so mad when Jenny doesn't care about him.

Forrest Gumo it was a good example for the person who believe in himself that he can achieve his goals even when everyone say that he was stupid.
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Postby s-al7arbi » Wed Jul 20, 2016 7:45 pm

I loved this movie so much, I might watch it again :D

The best part for me was when he met with Jenny for the first time in the bus; Also, when she told him to run until he run as fast as he could by defeating all the problems !

Forrest loved his mom a lot. However, I think Jenny were closer to his heart more than his mom because she is the one who inspirit him and he was thinking of her all the time.

Saeed Alharbi
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Postby omaralazemi » Thu Jul 21, 2016 9:54 am

It was a wonderful film. This film teach you to deal with people of Thebes will make you live a happy life. You must struggle to reach for what you want. This film is a good example for children and a lot of people who do not know what they are doing in their lives
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