PROMETHEUS would like to hear about movies that make great ESL/EFL lessons, movies that are entertaining and language-rich, movies that takes us to another time, another place, another lifestyle.


Postby manalhamithi » Tue Nov 13, 2012 9:40 pm


Actually this movie didn’t have a new idea, so I didn’t enjoy it, I had seen many alien movies before and in my opinion they were better than Prometheus. The point, it was extremely illogical for me when Elizabeth had a surgery and immediately she moved normally and she was able to jump and run :roll: as a normal person while she had taken anesthesia and she had stapled abdomen. Moreover, the main idea of this film is to find the truth about the reality of the human being , but it ended without answer[ing] it!! !! . Also, I think there was a gap between the beginning of the movie and the rest of the film because they didn’t show us how the doctors and the other people (the biologist and sciences), who were in the earth, brought or went to the shuttle :ugeek: . There is a lot of questions mark?? In my mind about the Prometheus. For example, where they were exactly when they had the experimental test?? The weapon that they used?? :?: :!: :idea:

thank you,

Teacher's Notes: I'm sorry you didn't enjoy Prometheus more, but I appreciate your pov. I mentioned in an earlier post about how we "suspend belief" when we watch a movie which is, after all, not a true story even if it is based on a true story (which Prometheus is not). In this movie the viewer really has to suspend belief, as you and others have pointed out.

Actually I'm glad Prometheus is only a fantasy. Imagine if there really were some aliens out there who created us, realized they had made a mistake, and now wanted to come back to earth and destroy us all. I'd be pretty scared. Big thanks for sharing your opinion.
--mike :arrow: :)
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Postby Claire » Tue Nov 13, 2012 11:53 pm

First, I have to say I really enjoy this movie. :)
It is no doubt that there are many stunning scenes in “Prometheus”.
Besides those visual effects, some issues in this movie are worth discussing.
In my opinion, even a robot has emotional feelings, not to mention human beings.
However, what makes the differences between a robot and a human being?
We know the purpose of creating a robot, and it is obvious for a robot to do what it should do. How about human beings? What are we living for?
Maybe sometimes it is more important for human beings to figure out their life goals and make improvements instead of asking where are we from and who creates us.


Teacher's Notes: Glad you enjoyed Prometheus. I like how this opinion piece examines the questions being asked in the story and wonders if they are the best questions. Or maybe Prometheus asks so many more questions than the obvious one(s). Therefore, we are invited to take a closer look at both Prometheus and, more importantly, how we view our humanity and our connection with the infinite. Thanks much for sharing.

--mike :twisted:
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Postby omarnafisi » Thu Nov 15, 2012 3:54 pm

Prometheus was a very excellently directed and well-written movie. Although it was a bit dull sometimes, it offered a whole new prospective on things. I believe a movie that is always first of its kind deserves that recognition. It presented aliens as being[s] instead of just being beings from another planet that we discover into more complex beings that seemed to have created the human race (Even though it didn’t really say that they actually did and that it was only the hypothesis of the scientists.) A major negative side is that it leaves viewers with a lot of un-answered questions. They either have to make a sequel, or at least a press conference in which they answer the questions.

All in all, I personally loved Prometheus and I hope they make a sequel. Just not a sequel that answers all the questions and leaves me with 50 other questions to ponder about. Great choice as always Michael.

- Omar Alnafisi

Teacher's notes: I like this author's idea of a press conference. Imagine Ridley Scott declaring the origins of humanity. . . in a press conference. Nice. All in all, I appreciate how these comments express recognition of the Prometheus' originality. One must look a little deeper to notice the subtle enhancements in this movie. Thanks for posting (and I'm glad you appreciate my choices).
--mike :lol:
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Postby Jessie0107 » Sat Nov 17, 2012 9:14 am

Hi, everyone.
OMG this is my third time writing this because i touched the wrong key in keyboard and it erased everything i wrote.
Anyway... I don't know if it's only me or not who didn't get the meaning of the movie. Is it merely because i joined the class late due to my changing elective couse?
well, I did "enjoy" all the disgusting scenes which had all the ooze and green blood. However, after the movie, I tried to think what this movie was trying to say.
Was the movie trying to convey a message that do not try to search for other planets because everyone can be killed by exo-planet creatures?
I don't know..
Also, I wondered about the scene when the "son" alien of the main heroine ate the othe alien who was chasing and trying to kill the heroine. I thought that two aliens were supposed to help each other to fight humans because they were all the same aliens and have the same ancestors technically. Was it because the "son" alien was the SON? Or just was the creature starved?

Overall, I think this movie was.. interesting but not so touching or anything similar to that. But if i consider that this is the SF movie it doesn't need to have any meaning........i guess .. Anyway, it left many questions to me and i'm still figuring it out.. :)

Teacher's Notes: Sorry you had so much trouble posting on phpBB. Sometimes when students post at the LBC lab, they have to hit SUBMIT 2 times before the post goes through. On my home computer, this doesn't happen. So it's a mystery.

Thanks for pointing out the plot subtleties in Prometheus. As a native speaker of English, I think I was able to get the story a little better, but even for me, the story wasn't perfectly clear. Ridley Scott has a lot to answer for in the sequel if he hopes to sell some tickets. :-) Thanks for hanging in there.

--mike :arrow:www.MoviesGrowEnglish.con :?:
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Postby whygub » Sun Nov 18, 2012 1:24 am

Hi everyone, :?:

This is my opinion about Prometheus.

At first, I thought Prometheus might be the same old story about discovering scary aliens in another planet. But once I saw the spectacular opening scene, I immediately changed my mind. Also, seeing the new beautiful look of the virile alien in the movie changed the idea I’d had about alien’s ugly image. Then I tried to think deeper about it, and some more ideas popped up in my head.

I do like the plot about a group of curious humans searching for the human’s creator. The writer has made an interesting choice that could develop into a very deep and effective theme, because it’s the question we mankind have been looking for the answer for centuries. But the movie lost its way in some point; it finally turned into another movie that just wanted to show its well-made production design. In the end, I didn’t get the answer the movie questioned about in the beginning. “Who created us and why did they create us?” But to think different, it might be good to leave this question to the audience to ask themselves. Anyway, the ending almost left us a message of philosophy about human’s existence, but how the story continued in the middle to the end couldn’t build up its strong message. However, if I don’t take it too serious, Prometheus surly impressed me with its good-looking scenes which I can’t deny that I enjoy so much.

Thank you :geek: :mrgreen:

Teacher's Note: I have read several critical reviews of Prometheus, and WhY's opinion is the most similar. In other words, I liked it, but I wanted more of the answer, not just the questions. The ending made it pretty clear that a sequel is planned. Don't think they can call it Prometheus 2 since the ship was **** at the end. I guess Elizabeth could re-christen the alien ship Prometheus. Big thanks for posting.

--mike :arrow: :mrgreen:
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Postby Gangnamstyle » Mon Nov 19, 2012 12:53 am

Hi! Sorry for posting late!
When I heard this story first, I actually hated to watch it because I can't watch a cruel movie which shows a lot of blood. However, watching this movie made me interesting [interested] after a several minutes because hilariously, I like to watch SF movie which has a kind of awesome imagination from advanced technology. Prometheus obviously has an attractive point that people in this movie are going to find an origin of human to figure out what human is and where human comes from. As many people want like Qinshihuangdi, an old man was eager to have an eternal life but he failed. This movie has definitely a thoughtful story. After watching this movie, I thought about where and how I came here. I think it helps to develop people's abilities to think. Thank you Mike for suggesting Prometheus! I was happy to watch it!

Teacher's Note: Glad to hear from you and thanks for "getting" Prometheus -- GangNam Style! At first, I didn't recognize Qinshihuangdi, but when I looked it up on GOOGLE, I found Qin Shi Huangdi, first emperor of China and I believe the one who commissioned the famous Xian Terra-Cotta Warriors. Interesting. Thanks for this tip.
--mike :lol:
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Postby Boonchai » Mon Nov 19, 2012 11:04 am

Horror moive is one of kind [kind of] movie that I like, so I think PROMETHEUS is good. Actually, this movie was better than I expected because the story and the scene was very good. The introduction was simple, yet in the middle and last part of the story [it] is very exciting. Some of the scene[s] in the PROMETHEUS isn't [aren't] good for people who don't like horror movie since it [is] very scary, but it is the horror movie style. The actors and actress acted really good. In my opinion, the best actor in this movie is Michael Fassbender who was the robot (David) in the movie because he acted very impressive. He was really looked like robot. Another good thing in this movie was effect; it impressive too.

thank, Chai :D

Teacher's Note: This author covered all the bases in a concise manner. A few grammar edits are noted. Thanks for posting!
--mike ;)
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Postby kyou90 » Mon Nov 19, 2012 1:23 pm

That was such interesting movie, and I liked it. Since I'm kind of scare of brutal things, some scenes were too strong to keep seeing without closing eyes. Imagination of the writer seemed so fabulous that everyone was deeply into the movie while watching it. great.

Teacher's Note: I'd like to see a little more detail here, but the main ideas are covered quite handily. Thanks for posting.
--mike :arrow:www.MoviesGrowEnglish. 8-)
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Postby Salim.el » Tue Nov 20, 2012 6:23 pm

Greetings !
I loved the movie,my rating would be around 4/5 and 4.5/5.I always loved alien and sci-fi story, but this one has more than this. Besides its marvelous FX it is also a very dramatic and profound movie. For exemple, the use of biological weapons during wars and the greediness of people.
In addition, I love the acting of Michael Fassbender he really looks like a robot ! He's becoming one of my favorite actors .
Hence, Ridley scott really made a great job, in the suspense of the movie, he really plays with the viewers. It should've been amazing if we could've seen it in IMAX.

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Postby hmody » Wed Nov 21, 2012 8:16 am

Hello everyone ..

In general I don't like Mystery and Sci-Fi movies and I have not seen like that in a while because I think these kind of movies far from the reality which don't attract me at all.
in fact, I like this movie even if it's far from the reality but the scenario is kind of different from the other Sci-Fi movies and it trys to answer the eternal question which is who create the whole universe and how we became a human in the earth and how we gather in the earth ... etc.

my evaluation for PROMETHEUS is 7 over 10
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