NEW MOVIE REPORTS * * * * * * would like to hear about movies that make great ESL/EFL lessons, movies that are entertaining and language-rich, movies that takes us to another time, another place, another lifestyle.


Postby JuniE » Wed Jul 23, 2014 3:37 pm

Coco & Juni

X-MEN: Days of Future Past

Set up:The story is about how X-Men send Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) into the past because there is no other way to protect themselves in the future. They hope Wolverine can change history and prevent the coming disaster for both mutants and humans. In this movie, the popular characters from the original “X-Men” film trilogy and their younger selves from “X-Men: First Class" combine together. All of them take part in an epic battle which changes that past and saves the future.

The story line is really good. First, this is a time travel movie. Because the time travel logic in "Days of Future Past" is well thought out and makes perfect sense, we can't pick any holes in it. Although time travel is not a new movie idea, the plot is attractive and the events between now and the past are closely twisted with one another, which makes the plot quite intensive and heart-stopping.

Also, the acting is really good. This is a movie crowded with so many characters. It's surprising that they all feel meaningful, and behave so well, although some of them do not have much story. The very famous James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender are undoubtedly incredible. In addition, Jennifer Lawrence, Ellen Page and the Chinese actress, Bingbing Fan all find their places in the film. But there is one new character who is greater than all, and that character is Quicksilver. His action in the kitchen with music is so attractive and funny. We think it is the best scene in the film. All in all, this is a movie that is worth the price, and the visual effects are marvelous.
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Postby Virak94 » Fri Jul 25, 2014 9:17 pm

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

After surviving the "Simian Flu", remaining humans have to fight against circumstances in order to prevail. Without electricity and communications, is our way of living an advantage or our most dangerous weakness? A new, evolved Ape specie may be the biggest threat.

With really amazing 3D Native effects, that are going to change everything that we know about motion capture, and look forward to making the green screen obsolete, and a wonderfully thought sci-fi storyline, this film is a have-to-watch movie.
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Postby Heidi Yin » Sun Jul 27, 2014 11:07 pm

Heidi YIN & Shirley ZHANG

Godzilla 2014

Godzilla, is a 2014 American science monster fiction film directed by Gareth Edwards. The story of this movie is back in 1999, the JANJIRA nuclear plant was mysteriously destroyed with a lot of people are lost in that accident, including supervisor Joe Brody’s colleagues and his wife, Sandra. Years later, Joe’s son, Ford, a US Navy officer, went to Japan to help his estranged father who obsessively searches for the truth of the incident. In doing so, father and son discover the disaster’s secret cause on the wreck’s of the grounds. This enables them to witness the reawakening of a terrible threat to all of humanity. Against this catadysm, the only hope for the world is Godzille, the king of the monster.

Many audiences have very deep emotional attachment in Godzilla. That could be one of the main reasons why this film achieved so excellent box office performance. The previous Godzilla movies back to very early work, portrayed Godzilla as a more frightening nuclear monster. However, the 2014 one changed Godzilla into a less destructive and more heroic character.

This is a great movie, with tremendous visual daring and magnificent special-effects work. But to be honest, the second half of Godzilla 2o14 is definitely more fun than the first part of the movie. The first three quarters of the film were just talking about the story of the actors and their characters. This is a MONSTER movie, about Godzilla. And the director should include or feature more things about the monster itself, for example, the scene of monsters fighting each other or destroying the cities. I guess people were all watching this film for Godzilla, if the studio can develop more plot about Godzilla, it will be better.

Thank You
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Postby mira_cle » Wed Jul 30, 2014 4:37 pm


It's an action and adventure movie, directed by Brett Ratner. The movie is based on Greek mythology. The story is about Hercules and his companions, who are a band of mercenaries. One day King Cotys asks Hercules to train their soldiers, and promises that he he will give Hercules a lot of money after he finishes his task. Hercules does as the King says, but he finds out that Cotys is nothing but a liar who has murdered the true king to get the throne. As soon as Hercules finds out the truth, he decides to fight back. The war begins and one of them dies on the battlefield. Finally, Hercules defeats Cotys. Hercules becomes a true hero not just a legend.

I think this movie indicate that human beings are more horrible than any kinds of monsters . As for the story line, it's too easy to guess what will happen next, but there are still some funny parts in this movie. By the way, Dwayne Johnson is really amazing in this movie.

The director hasn't defined a story while adding technology effects too much to “god”,but inclined to portray the story itself and described fully and delightfully nakedness scene of war. So the film's myth legendary is not so strong, more biased in favor of “epic”. The story can be simply summarized as “the second prince's revenge”.

Mira and Monica
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Postby brenda » Wed Jul 30, 2014 4:39 pm

Down of the planet of the apes

Its a really good movie because even its an action movie it show us the importance of the union so each specie could survive, its funny how the movie show us that even the apes are animals they respect every sigle life not only from they race but also in the nature because even they had developved their intelligence thaks to the virus injected 10 years ago they dont destroy the environment.

Its the perfect convination between an anthropological documentary, social tragedy and adventure finally firm. Really recomended to go with your couple or with your family.
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Postby jasper » Wed Jul 30, 2014 7:46 pm

Charlotte & Jasper

Lucy (2014)

Lucy is a French action film directed, written and edited by Luc Besson. It was released on July 25, 2014. It stars Scarlett Johansson as the title character, along with Morgan Freeman playing Professor Norman. This is a movie about time and human. The average person uses 10% of their brain capacity. Imagine what we could do with 100%.

Lucy is a hard-partying, 25-year-old American woman living and studying in Taipei, Taian. She is tricked to work as a drug mule by her new boyfriend for his employer, a Korean gangster and drug lord.
 She delivers a briefcase to Mr. Jang's hotel room, which contains a highly valuable synthetic superdrug called CPH4 that can increase the user's brain function capacity.
The packaged drug is sewn into Lucy's abdomen and that of others who will also transport the drug for sales in Europe. While in captivity, one of Lucy's captors kicks her mercilessly in the stomach, causing the bag inside her to leak, releasing the brain- enhancing drug into her system. After that, Lucy has the superpower. Her missions are destroy the gang and find out the secret of human beings.

Finally, when Lucy has the 100% capacity of her brain, she disappears. Many people may feel strange here. But if we think carefully, we can realize that we perceive things as "existing" due to time. It takes TIME for a piece of matter to sit there or move from point A to point B. If there was no time binding the matter, it would not seem to exist. At 100% capacity, Lucy is not bound by time as we see in the sequence. She is able to go back to the beginning of time. Because she is no longer bound by time, her physical body does not exist.

Lucy opened with $17.1 million, placing it in the top spot for the box office opening weekend, ahead of the competing film Hercules. It was a really amazing story with so many intentions. Besson interprets time-traveling from a brand new perspective. Scarlett is amazing in that movie.

It’s a fantastic movie! Strongly Recommended!
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Postby 510781579Zzyl » Mon Oct 13, 2014 3:37 pm

Director:James Gunn

Name of movie: Guardians of the galaxy

A little boy named Peter quill has been captured by Galaxy robber organization when he was 7 years old after his mother's death. When he grew up, he became a skillful robber of the robber organization and he stole a powerful stone in a abandoned planet, but he did not know the power of stone can destroy all galaxy. On the other hand, a bad guy named Ronan did not want to be ruled by his boss anymore, so he sent a girl who named Gamora to get the stone and he wanted to rule the whole galaxy either. When the girl fight with Peter, two bounty hunters---a racoon named Rocket and a tree man named Groot---wanted to capture Peter and they can get much money because of Peter. However the Galaxy police arrested all of them to a prison. In the jail, a man named Drax want to revenge because his family was killed by Rnan. So these five guys became a group and escape from the jail. when their friendship became very strong because of many adventure, they recognized the stone has enough power to destroy the universe, therefore, they became guardians of the galaxy and combined the galaxy cop to defend the galaxy by fighting with Ronan.

I consider that the movie like a children film because like many Marvel movie, it based on a comic book and has some good guys and some bad guys, the good guy has some super power certainly and eventually, the good guys will beat the bad guy by friendship, many kind of power, brave spirit and team work. So I think the plot is just so so, but I am impressed because of the advanced technology of movie, the real 3D of vision and some humorous character. For instance, the tree man just can say three words, that is " I am Groot." But the three words can express every thing. If he agree something, the sentence sounds like " I am agree." If he was angry, the sentence sounds like " I am angry." If you a fans of Marvel movie, it is a best choice to enjoy your movie time.
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Postby RyoMurakami » Mon Oct 13, 2014 8:06 pm

The Maze Runner

The Maze Runner, is a 2014 American science fiction action thriller film based on the novel of the same name. The story of this movie begins with a scene that a boy who has no memory of outside except strange dreams, Thomas wakes in a boys’ group society. After a short time, he knows that he has been in the massive maze and only by hunting the maze for the clue can he escape from the maze. With a company, Thomas runs seeking for the release from the maze by the name of the oppression.

I believe that the concept of the movie is the conflict and anxiety of boys because the base of this film is the novel for teens and the character looks like only boys and a girl. Then I can take it for that in order to speak for the teens, this film had tried to insist on their hardships, discontents and vague anxieties. In my opinion by treating such a problem can they attract teens, but I wanted them to draw more details of the reality of the teens to make them more sympathize with. I would like to expect “The Maze Runner2” to add the more detail and resolve the any problems.
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Postby Kazunori » Mon Oct 13, 2014 8:07 pm

Alexander and The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

This movie about the one family’s two days: one day before the birthday of Alexander, one of the family, and the birthday. The previous of his birthday, Alexander had a horrible day, such as finding that nobody would come to his birthday party and burning a notebook of a pretty girl who he likes. On the other hand, the rest of the family spent a day which could not be better. Alexander, who felt that nobody understand his pain, wished the others also would have a horrible day. Then, the next day, Alexander’s 12th birthday, everything changed, and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day would begin.

This movie is awesome. It gave me a brave to be optimist who believe that a good day will exactly come after bad days. There is also a value of bad day, according to this movie, and the meaning is that, thanks to bad day, can we love good days even more. I regarded this movie as an amazing product with which people can hope the delightful future. I give this movie four stars.
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Postby PattyTsai » Mon Oct 13, 2014 10:47 pm

Gone Girl
(directed by David Fincher and staring with Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike)

This movie is based on a novel " Gone Girl", which is written by Gillian Flynn, tells about Nick and Amy's difficult marriage, which is struggling for several reasons. They both work as journalists in New York City and have happy time at the first couple years of their marriage. Everything goes well until Nick loses his job due to downsizing. On the fifth wedding anniversary, Amy has gone missing. No one knows where she is or what happened to her. Nick finds police and media to help him find his wife and shows how he is worried about his wife. However, when police asked him about Amy, he knows nothing about her. With more and more evidence being found out, especially Amy's diary and Nick's affair, he is seemed to be the prime suspect. Everyone is going to ask a same question: Did Nick kill his wife?

I really recommend this movie. It talks about a serious issue in a modern relationship. This movie focuses on the dark side of marriage. Not every marriage is perfect. The mysterious structure caught my breath until the end of the movie and let me rethink the definition of love. I am really surprised of the ending. In my opinion, everyone will have different feedback by watching this movie in different ages. Maybe I will change my mind when I watch it again several years later. For now, I make a short conclusion of this movie in three words. That is---Love is Control.
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