CHRONICLES OF RIDDICK would like to hear about movies that make great ESL/EFL lessons, movies that are entertaining and language-rich, movies that takes us to another time, another place, another lifestyle.


Postby dr.musleh.dent » Thu Nov 20, 2014 12:11 am

I like this movie. It was a fantastic with over imagination. Chronicles of Riddick is a brave and facing the challenges. The Lord Marchal fear of Riddick who has a different power than any one of Marchal's followers.

I will recommend this movie to my friends.

Teacher's note: I like what this author has to say, and I encourage more. Please write more. Thanks for posting.

--mike :roll:
Posts: 27
Joined: Mon Nov 10, 2014 8:26 pm


Postby KimBH » Thu Nov 20, 2014 1:11 am

At first time when I saw this movie, it was too hard to understand for me.

Riddick who is the main character in this movie is very strong and brave. He fights against the lord Marchal. Nobody can kill him. Finally, he kills the lord Marchal, and Marchal's army follows him.

Sometimes, the action was too cruel, but I like it.

Teacher's note: Glad you like Chronicles of Riddick. Please share more detail.

--mike :|
Posts: 23
Joined: Sun Sep 14, 2014 9:53 pm


Postby yuzu-shika » Thu Nov 20, 2014 8:10 pm

To be honest, it was really hard to watch this movie..! I think I did not understand what was going on in this movie. The only scene I could understand was the last scene. When Riddick killed Lord Marshal, I understood that the secret plan between Vaako and Dame Vaako was broken. Dame Vaako was a really sexy woman..but evil..diabolical. I think it was good opportunity to watch different kind of movie as usual. Thank you.

Teacher's note: I think this author has a pretty good understanding of the main idea of "Chronicles of Riddick". One guy has the power. Another guy wants the power, pushed by his ambitious wife. But the third guy, who doesn't want the power, accidentally gets it. End of story. Thanks for a great summary.

--mike :arrow: :roll:
Posts: 12
Joined: Thu Sep 11, 2014 6:57 pm


Postby Molly » Sun Nov 30, 2014 11:24 pm

I like science fiction films. They send us in another reality. For example, Helion Prime. Usually, they are exciting such as Riddick. I like couple Vaako and Dame Vaako more than couple Riddick and Kyra. Especially, Dame Vaako is very charismatic woman who knows what she wants. Kyra dies, and the Necromongers kneel before Riddick, who is now their new leader. So expected end. But I like it.

Teacher's note: Thanks for an extremely concise (brief) comment on the Vaako couple. This author gets right to the point. I like this, but a little more detail is so desired. What is the subtext--underverse? Thanks for a cool post.

--mike :arrow: :|
Posts: 19
Joined: Mon Sep 15, 2014 5:18 pm


Postby Musaadinho » Wed Dec 03, 2014 11:40 pm

Although I don't prefer this kind of movies which contain[s] some fiction or supernatural power and I didn't watch the first part of this movie, I liked how Vin Diesel felt the character. Riddick has a great inspiration in leading his followers in order to achieve his goal. According to what I watched I can say it's [a] kind of movies which need[s] furher meditation and reflection to understand the story. It's not like most action movies that include a hero who kills and fights all the movie[.]

Teacher's note: OK, sorry this author missed the first half of "Chronicles of Riddick." But Riddick's character still came through because it was like a proton blast throughout the movie. Perhaps this is a reflection of Vin Diesel's great acting talent. Thank you for posting!

--mike :twisted:
Posts: 3
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Postby lucasliu » Mon Dec 08, 2014 12:49 am

Riddick is a mysterious man. He has a[n] amazing body and clever brain. He dare[s] to challenge everything and can complete many extremely tough jobs. In this movie, he seems [to have] lost parts of his memory and doesn't remember something [which] happened in the past, but he has destiny to face. This movie has very good special effects and actions, which i really enjoyed. However, it also very hard to understand fully. :(

if i have chance, i'd like to watch 3 full series of this movie to figure out what the story this movie talking about. I knew this movie long time, but i don't have chance to watch it. This is a surprise in the movie class for me . Thank you

Teacher's note: I intended Riddick to be a "change up". I'm glad this author liked the surprise. This post has an articulate profile of the Riddick character and a common observation of the story's complexity. If you watch "Pitch Black" (the first Riddick film), it will help to understand, but only a little. To understand "Chronicles of Riddick" better, I suggest watching it three times. Thanks for posting.

--mike :evil:
Posts: 14
Joined: Thu Sep 18, 2014 7:59 am


Postby Kaoriic » Tue Dec 16, 2014 9:48 am

Chronicles of Riddick was honestly not my type of movie and I had a hard time to understand the story. I love watching movies for what they can bring to us. For example a lesson, some type of feelings or just have a nice time. Riddick was really impressive in the action scenes but too common for me. A hero that is invincible is not realistic at all and I couldn't feel any feelings from the caracter. On another hand, the special effects were great and gave me the impression to belong to the movie.


Teacher's note: I appreciate the sincerity of this report. Thank you, author, for speaking directly and honestly.

--mike :roll:
Posts: 8
Joined: Thu Sep 25, 2014 7:56 am


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