GOOD WILL HUNTING would like to hear about movies that make great ESL/EFL lessons, movies that are entertaining and language-rich, movies that takes us to another time, another place, another lifestyle.


Postby Sara_alhejazi » Sun Nov 22, 2015 11:44 pm

Will does not have a family, he was born an orphan. He was treated cruelly by his adoptive father. He feels lonely and can't trust anyone, as a result of his bad life that he experienced.

His life was centered around his friends and his work as a floor cleaner at the university. He was a genius of mathematics. He answered a hard question in mathematics on the blackboard, he surprised the prof.Gerald Lambeau. The Professor wanted to develop and employ the intelligence of Will properly.
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Postby Mimi.t96 » Sun Nov 22, 2015 11:49 pm

This is one of my favourites. (because I am a huge fan of Robbin Williams.) So i was so glad that i got a chance to watch this movie again.

In this movie, Will has background, which makes him keep from what he tries to love. When he was a kid, his foster father had kept domestic violence. His family didn't love him. And Will felt that that was his fault even though he knew that it was not his fault in his brain. Because of this background, he is afraid of trusting someone, even if it is the woman who loves him so much. Therefore, Sean, his counsellor, tries to let him know the point that Will deserves to be loved and love someone, and be trusted and trust someone, because the trauma is not his fault.

The friendship between Sean and Will is taking very important role in this movie. Other counsellors were passive and the relationship with Will was just like patient and doctor. However, Sean was the one who tried to be honest more than anybody. He was very open to talk about personal things and it made Will think he can be himself in front of Sean. Sean thought of Will so much as one person, not like genius math someone. Sean was the only one who was worried about what Will wants to do. Thats why Will could choose to go to California.

This movie has so much inspiration and massages. Also it reminds me of how amazing Robbin is. I know he is making people laugh in the sky, but I miss him so much!
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Postby sei » Mon Nov 23, 2015 1:36 am

This is one of my favorite movies. At first, I was impressed that will and Sean have become soulmates even though they are in different generation. They truly communed woth each other and share their painful past. Also I realized that because Sean really loves Will, Will became a person who can love others. Sean just considers Will as a person and understands him and hope Will's happiness. Through the positive changes of Will by Sean, I feel ashamed. Because I didn't think that the people like Sean around me are natural but actually they are very precious people of my life.
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Postby Noof77 » Mon Nov 23, 2015 6:23 am

Will is a mathematical genius stuck between his past and opportunity for greatness. He was Booked on assault charges, Will is allowed to leave prison on two conditions, taking math classes with a professor who recognizes his brilliance and psychotherapy. While math come easy for him, love and trust does not. With the help of his therapist (Robin Williams), Will begins to deal with his low self-esteem, fear of intimacy, and past physical abuse, until Will uses his intelligence and goes after Skylar , a woman who loved him to proclaim a life worth living.The message from this movie is to take advantage of what you have and leave your past behind.
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Postby Tony » Mon Nov 23, 2015 7:25 am

Will was orphan, and he was attracted by his father. He is very genius man, he can solve numerical expression and remember everything about book that he has read. However his experience makes him be viorent parson. He attract others ,hitting or using his brain to protect himself from other people.

One day he found a man who bullied him in his childhood. It remind him of his memory and wrath. Finally he and his friends attack guys. In a result Will was imprisoned. Then a man help him. His name is Lambeau who is professor of a school which Will work. Lambeau try to help Will, because he found Will's gift. And he take Will many philosophers, however Will teases them, and they got angry and went away. Therefore Lambeau decode to ask Sean. Since his wife passed away, loneliness and sadness has obsessed him. That means Will and Sean has sadness each other. Thus they support, comfort and help each other.

I think This movie is very funny and much beautiful, because there are big difference between outside and inside. This difference hides true feeling, but a pardon who has same feeling help the parson. This relationship is difficult for others to understand, but very important and necessary for them. It is transitory but filled with the warm word and kindly. All of people should have relations like that.
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Postby young » Mon Nov 23, 2015 10:16 am

I have watched this movie when I was a freshman in university. At that time, this movie was really interesting to me, because it said that the most important thing in our life is not earning a lot of money, taking more power and getting other's respect but knowing how I am and what I want to. Most freshmen in university do not know well about themselves. Therefore, in order to live a happy life, we have to try to know about ourselves. I think that this point is what the director want to say by this movie.

Will Hunting, who is a main character, has a amazing talent, but he does not live happy life. Because he does not know about himself and does not try to see who he is even though he has a lot of knowledge in various academic fields. But, by the help of Sean Maguire and Skylar who approach to him by their heart he can start to face directly his past pain and to know what he wants to. Especially, I am really impressive the scene in construction field with his his best friend, who is Chuckie. I can know what is the true friendship is from there conversation.

Watching this movie second time is really good chance for me to think about myself, such as where I am going to, what is important to me in my life and what to do to live more happily.
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Postby SHIHO » Mon Nov 23, 2015 12:43 pm

Will was born as an orphan and his foster family didn't love him. And he felt that the reason that he was not loved his family was his fault even though he knew that it was not his fault in his mind. Because of this back ground, he cannot love other people.

Will and Sean made a strong bond each other beyond the generation because Sean tried to believe Will and talked his personal story honestly in front of Will. Through the conversation, Will realized that Sean believed himself from the bottom of t¥his heart and could be a person who trusted other people.
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Postby afj8909 » Mon Nov 23, 2015 6:01 pm

1. Will Hunting is poor. He lives alone. He works as a cleaning man in MIT. He plays and drinks with his friends.

2. Will proves the difficult math problem easily, so Prof. Gerald takes him as his students. Prof. Gerald introduces Will to his friend, Prof. Sean. Sean tries to care Will's psychological illness.

3. When Will was a kid, he was suffered from his father's violence. Sean has similar experience like Will's, so he can gain sympathy. In the end of this film, he tell Will, "It's not your fault."

4. In my opinion, home education is important. It will make kids' personality in the future. When they have their troubles, parents should not ignore them and take care of them with love.
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Postby wonsom » Mon Nov 23, 2015 11:55 pm

Will is a orphan. His mother was died when Will was young, and his father abused him. Will was lonely and low educated. Despite of these backgrounds, He has a gifted talent about Mathematics.

Will meet the Prof.Gerlard by a chance. Gerard recognized the his talent and want to instruct him. However Sean, the counselor of Will, want to leave him free. Because of same experience that he was also abused by his parents, he sympathize with Will.

Consequently, Sean and Will understand and reconcile each other.
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Postby hanadi » Tue Nov 24, 2015 12:11 pm

Will grow up in poor Will grow up in poor neighborhood. The Pro.Gerald discovered Will talent through his answers and he became friends with Sean because they both have same background, they shared secrets and helps each other.
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