THE HUNGER GAMES would like to hear about movies that make great ESL/EFL lessons, movies that are entertaining and language-rich, movies that takes us to another time, another place, another lifestyle.


Postby Changkyu » Sun Dec 13, 2015 11:05 pm

I have watched this movie once, this movie is also one of my favorite movie. I think that in that world is somewhat similar with our world.

The capital has luxurious facility but district 12 is just a rural area. Also the capital people tend to overplay themselves such as wealth and looking. At the beginng Kitniss looks feeble and weak but inside, she is strong, intrepid and dauntless. Who live in the capital they watching event as a tv show. But reality is cruel. They have to compete with each other to survive and also a lot of obstacles try to interrupt them and kill them.

For this reason, i think it is similar with our world. Because we have to survive from this socity but execpt us, they are indiffirent to us.
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Postby young » Mon Dec 14, 2015 12:21 am

The Hunger Game is very unique and interesting because I have not imagined that kind of game. However, sometimes we may heard that sports can be used for political reasons, that means that the dictatorship encouraged sports in order to turn people's intention. Also, in the movie, the Panem use hunger game to maintain their totalitarian nation by making fear among people. The rule of the hunger game is randomly and the possibility of selection is low, so it is hard to oppose to this game even though every person feels that this game is inhumane.

However, Katniss Everdeen who is brave and behaviors her own belief makes people to realize that how this game is inhumane. During playing games, she shows the importance of humanity and love. She put the human before her survival. Because of this action that can be possible only by human, people start to action as humane, such as protesting against injustice.
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Postby mjonmovie » Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:07 pm

-What kind of person is Katniss Everdeen?
Katniss looks like a ruthless and cold person, but she has a caring heart.
She feel compasion about The Hunger Games' members, who had no choice about killing.
She is not only caring, but also brave as she resist coercive system, The Hunger Games.

-Write a summary/opinion of THE HUNGER GAMES.
There is a killing survival named The Hunger Games, which chooses members from each districts.
This game is made to retain a dictatorship Panem's system, and its rule supposed for tributes to kill each other, and be the last person who survives.
It is held in Capitol, Panem's capital, and it is great entertain and attraction for citizens of Capitol.
As tributes from district 12, Peetah is chosen, and Katniss volunteers for the 74th Hunger Games instead of her younger sister.
With their mentor Haymitch's help, they prepare for the game and finally the game is on.
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Postby wonsom » Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:19 pm

Hunger game is a[n] annual event that celebrate the suppression of rebellion. The government emphasize the tribute's sacrifice and brave. However, It's real purpose is giving a fear and small hope to people who live in other district. Since, someone who has a fear and little hope never stand against to a social system and master.

In this point, Hunger games could be compared with Sports and war in real world.
Especially In Despotic country, The dictator use this strategy that steal the scene from politics.

An extension of this conclusion, This games exist[s]. It is not only a entertainment but a political technic to attract people's attention
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Postby Sulttn » Tue Dec 15, 2015 3:08 am

Hanger game is held once a year. This game exist to the smart and the strong entrant. All the players from poor families are on the game, so they but the players on a big jungle as an animal to fight each other.

Katniss become a volunteer to save her sister. She did that for her sister . she was trying to survive and she was trying to do anything to win. For example, she was trying to save her district which is Peeta, she got crush with him and she saved him because she want to receive She want to win seriously. In addition, she is so smart. She was trying to be away from the another players and she avoid to fight.

Finally, this move is the best movie i have watched on this class.The story was an amazing movie. Thank you Mr.Mike for these movies it's so interesting and i have improved on my vocabulary and listening because of this class.
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Postby Foton » Tue Dec 15, 2015 11:10 am

The hunger game is very big event for the worldin the movie. And it shows how the upper class treats or think that the lower class is just a game that make them laugh. And also they don't care about them at all because the players ganna dead in the game, but they not care. They care only about who ganna win this game. For sure this world does not reflected what the real world is. We ganna find alot of differences.

I enjoyed watching the movie and I am very exciting to watch the new one...
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Postby dr.musleh.dent » Tue Dec 15, 2015 10:50 pm

In my opinion, hunger games is a title of the real world nowadays. To illustrate, the game is forced the players to fight each other to survive without any mercy, however they can live without fighting and share their own. On the other hand, the real world the most powerful people try to make the others fighting by creating problems from nothing. The strongest eats the weak. But overall the game the true love would have the power over the controller.
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Postby Sara_alhejazi » Wed Dec 16, 2015 12:16 am

This movie shows that with all the wars in the world, life is still beautiful and we must fight for it and never give up. This movie also illustrates the vast difference between the rich and the poor, as the rich control everything, including the poor, regardless of whether they are human beings.

Katniss is a strong women. She sacrificed her life for her little sister. Also she proved herself in the game strongly.

I really like this movie. I am excited to watch part 2 in the cinema. I think this movie look like divergent movie, i like this kind of movies.
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Postby hanadi » Wed Dec 16, 2015 12:43 am

Katniss is strong lady and she is intelligent but unfortunately the president does not
belive her love and he has a doubtful . This game created as punishment for some oppositions. I like the movie because it has new idea of penalized.
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